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Le monde de Francesca
2 octobre 2010

Présentation du crew de Breaking Dawn par Bill Condon


Hello fans!

Has it really been five months (and a day) since my last dispatch?  In my defense, they've been five months spent immersed in the world of TWILIGHT - something I'm sure you can all appreciate.  We're in the thick of pre-production now, juggling everything from casting to storyboarding to location scouting, getting it all ready to go, but I do want to take a moment to announce to you exclusively a few of the amazing production team members who are hard at work alongside me, bringing these movies to life.  I hope you'll be as excited about them as I am:

Guillermo Navarro, who won an Academy Award for the beautiful PAN'S LABYRINTH, is our cinematographer.  Guillermo and I have been painstakingly planning each shot, with a team of very talented storyboard artists.

Michael Wilkinson, our costume designer, is bringing his brilliant vision to the styles of all your favorite characters.  Michael's created fantastic looks for 300, WATCHMEN, and the upcoming TRON: LEGACY - just wait 'til you see his take on the vampire witnesses who come to Forks from around the globe.

Jean Black, our makeup designer, has worked extensively with the Coen Brothers and David Fincher, most recently making exquisite, award-winning contributions to THE CURIOUS CASE OF BENJAMIN BUTTON.  I'm honored to be working with her.

Richard Sherman, with whom I made GODS AND MONSTERS and KINSEY, is on-board as our production designer. Richard's one of my oldest collaborators and a terrific designer, and you may be interested to know that he also happens to be a lifelong vampire aficionado.

Our Oscar-winning visual effects supervisor John Bruno has been responsible for some of the most memorable special effects ever, with his groundbreaking work on display in everything from POLTERGEIST to AVATAR.  He and his team are working intensely to develop solutions to the host of special effects challenges that Stephenie created for us in BREAKING DAWN, including that remarkable kid...

Wonderful, imaginative people all and very exciting, intense times for us.  Even with the months of work we've already put in, we're barely underway on the journey, and I do hope to get back to you much sooner next time with more news.  Until then, thanks for your warm reception and continued support!

Very best regards,



Il a peur qu'on l'engeule??? lol <br /> Je suis d'accord avec Lisa il essaie de nous rassurer par ce petit méssage. <br /> Mais bon à par nous dire que tout le monde est super on en apprend pas beaucoup plus lol
Et bien, que du beau monde!!!!J'espère bien qu'on va en prendre plein les mirettes.<br /> Et qui sait peut etre même que la saga sera enfin prise au sérieux et récompensée à sa juste valeur, on peut toujours rever d'un petit oscar, ;D
Twilight Belgium doit avoir la traduction mais il ne dit pas grand chose à part présenter son équipe et dire que tout le monde est super.
MOUAHAHAHAHAHA Renesmée va avoir la tronche bleue et fripée comme Benjamin Button !!!!!!!!!<br /> <br /> Plus sérieusement, c'est pas très compliqué de voir qu'il essaye de nous rassurer, il fait l'etalage de toute son équipe où chacun a été nominé pour quelque chose d'important. Donc si on l'écoute ça va être du tonnerre !!! Je pense surtout au maquillage, il se peut qu'on est enfin quelque chose de potable MDR.
Salut Fran tu sais si il existe une traduction de ce texte quelque part ? merci
Le monde de Francesca
Le monde de Francesca
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