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Le monde de Francesca
26 janvier 2011

Sortie de Silence (Hush Hush 3) de Becca Fitzpatrick le 4 octobre


EDIT : La sortie de Silence a été avancée au 4 octobre 2011!

Becca Fitzpatrick a révélé le titre du tome 3 de la saga Hush Hush. Ce sera finalement Silence (au lieu de Tempest). Elle a également donné une petite description du livre et a déjà vu une couverture provisoire.

At long last! I am thrilled to finally announce the title of the third book in the Hush, Hush saga! If you follow me on Twitter, or if you're a fan of my Facebook page, you've probably noticed there has been (just a little!) drama surrounding this title recently. Ever since I decided Tempest wasn't the right title for the book, I've been on the search for a worthy replacement. I spent weeks sorting through titles and, in the end, for one reason or another, none of them felt right.

I always thought the title of the third book would be loud— something a crescendo would build up to. And it made sense; the storyline of the third book is daring and twisty and oh so romantic. Which is why I was surprised to find, in the end, the title I chose isn't flashy or loud or culminating. Instead, it's a haunting word, quietly powerful, filled with mystery and beauty. A word that means to put doubt, fear and anxiety to rest. A word that is synonymous with stillness, secrecy and all that is forgotten.

The noise between Patch and Nora is gone in this book. They've overcome the secrets riddled in Patch's dark past...bridged two irreconcilable worlds...faced heart-wrenching tests of betrayal, loyalty and trust...and all for a love that will transcend the boundary between heaven and earth. Armed with nothing but their absolute faith in one another, Patch and Nora enter a desperate fight to stop a villain who holds the power to shatter everything they've worked for—and their love—forever.

With much pleasure, I give you the title of the third book...



Je sais de source officielle qu'il sort en mars 2012 mais je ne sais pas le jour précis.
Coucou Françoise,<br /> <br /> J'ai lu sur un site que "Silence" sortait en France le 1er mars 2012. Info ou Intox?<br /> <br /> J'ai vraiment hate de me replonger dans le monde de Nora et Patch! <br /> <br /> Biz à tous.<br /> <br /> Lucy.
j'ai adorer le 1 tome hush hush ke j'ai rouver par hasar en cherchan kelke chose d'acrocheur a lire et g bien aimer le suspense des personnage kan j'ai lu crescedo j'ai accrocher pareil j'ai trouver genial le suspense de croire ke pash etai le tueur du pere de nora et en fin de contpe non j'ai hate de lire silence
normalement, le tom 3 sort en mars 2012 ;)
ouai moi j'ai le 2 trop cool . je trouve que silence ca sonne bien et personnellement je préfère les suites longues ca fait durer le plaisir mais c'est chiant de les attendre ^^
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